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Thea Djordjadze, Gestenfehler, 2020, Wood, glass, paint, 105.5 × 123.5 × 33.5 cm

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Kamau Brathwaite, Excerpt from "X" of ConVERSations with Nathaniel Mackey, 1999

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Brandon Ndife, Sterilized Household Object, 2019, Urethane foam, Hydrocal, faucet, earth pigments, shrink wrap, 30.48 × 40.64 × 15.24 cm

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Yto Barrada, Velvet collage #2, 2019, Silk velvet, dye from plant extract, 2 Panels: 87 × 62.5 cm

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Yto Barrada, Velvet collage #3, 2019, Silk velvet, dye from plant extract, 91.4 × 67.3 cm

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Yto Barrada, Velvet collage #4, 2019, Silk velvet, dye from plant extract, 79.1 × 76.5 cm

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Karrabing Film Collective, Wutharr, Saltwater Dreams, 2016

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Heidi Bucher,“Blätzli” Floorpiece from “Herrenzimmer” Winterthur, 1979

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Heidi Bucher, “Blätzli” Floorpiece from “Herrenzimmer” Winterthur, 1979

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Lisa Alvarado, Traditional Object 26, 2018, Acrylic, fabric, wood, 240 × 240 cm

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Stefanie Heinze, Small tongues + loose change, 2020, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 100 × 80 cm

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Alexandru Chira, The Mirror for the Sower, part of Alexandru Chira's monument De-signs towards the sky to bring rain and rainbows (1994 – 2004) in Tauseni, Romania

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Alexandru Chira, The Mirror for the Sower, part of Alexandru Chira's monument De-signs towards the sky to bring rain and rainbows (1994 – 2004) in Tauseni, Romania

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Alexandru Chira, Tele-Poem (Study), 1988, Oil and pencil on canvas, 109.5 × 67 cm

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Alexandru Chira, Untitled, 1986, Oil and pencil on canvas, 106.5 × 106.5 cm

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Bettina, 1,000 Photos of Structured Relativity, c. 1980 (exact date unknown)

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Bettina, 1,000 Photos of Structured Relativity, c. 1980 (exact date unknown)

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Bettina, 1,000 Photos of Structured Relativity, c. 1980 (exact date unknown)

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Audrey Snyder, CAMPAGNA/CAMPANA/CAMPO, Originally prepared for Rural Design Week 2019

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Audrey Snyder, CAMPAGNA/CAMPANA/CAMPO, Originally prepared for Rural Design Week 2019

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Audrey Snyder, CAMPAGNA/CAMPANA/CAMPO, Originally prepared for Rural Design Week 2019

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Audrey Snyder, CAMPAGNA/CAMPANA/CAMPO, Originally prepared for Rural Design Week 2019

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Audrey Snyder, CAMPAGNA/CAMPANA/CAMPO, Originally prepared for Rural Design Week 2019

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Keto Logua, Bisexual and Radially Symmetric, 2018/2020, Alumid, 20 x 20 x 11 cm

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Lisa Alvarado, Flowers are our only garments, 2020, Sand, flowers, 35 × 35 cm

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Andro Eradze, All Hands Bury the Dead, 2019, Full HD, 13:41 min