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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Won Cha, Offering, 2021, Wood, plastic, paper, paint, print, cloth, rubber, nails, 246 × 244 × 13 cm

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Won Cha, Offering, 2021, Wood, plastic, paper, paint, print, cloth, rubber, nails, 246 × 244 × 13 cm (detail)

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Won Cha, Offering, 2021, Wood, plastic, paper, paint, print, cloth, rubber, nails, 246 × 244 × 13 cm

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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Won Cha, where do you start and I begin, 2021, Wood, plastic, acrylic, ink on paper, candy, 80 × 43 × 20 cm

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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Won Cha, Gate of souls, 2021, Wood, metal, chain, plastic, paper, paint, lightbulbs, 264 × 235 × 80 cm

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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Won Cha, Eshmaki, 2021, Ink on cloth, 86 × 83 cm

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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Installation view, then wear, dose our mind go?, 2021

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Won Cha, Quitschi, 2021, Paint on cloth, nails, 189 × 167 cm

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Won Cha, Fold your cloth, 2021, Cloth and acrylic on plastic